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March 18, 2022 5 min read

The immune systemis one of the most important systems of the organism, and especially in the times we are living in, it is worth having it stronger than ever. For this and much more, here is some scientifically valid information so that you can strengthen your immunity in a simple but effective way.

1. Eat well to defend yourself well.

We know perfectly well that nutrition is key to the care of our body. In the case of immunity, diets rich in fruits and vegetables, which give preference to plant-based proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats are associated with stronger immune systems, while diets that favor the consumption of refined carbohydrates high in sugars and ultra-processed products high in saturated and trans fats are associated with pro-inflammatory states and imbalances in the management of immunity in humans.

2. Exercise boosts your immunity.

Although there are studies that point to a decrease in immunity in people who practice very strenuous sports, there is a great deal of research that says just the opposite. The point is that, although both are true, it is more than demonstrated that maintaining regular physical exercise routines is capable of doing wonders for our defenses, stimulating the production of antibodies and improving their action against pathogens, in addition to promoting very beneficial anti-inflammatory mechanisms.

3. If you want a better immune system, you must stop stressing out.

Mental stress can make disasters with our organism. At the immune level, it is capable of triggering the production of tremendous amounts of cortisol, the stress hormone, as well as affecting the levels of other hormones such as noradrenaline. This would lead to a lack of control in the management of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which would create an unfavorable organic state for our defenses. For these reasons, the correct management of mental stress should be a priority, since mental health is as important as that of other body systems and organs.

4. Include relaxation and mental healing techniques in your daily routine.

Based on the idea that if we imagine something, our brain will assimilate it as something that is really happening, relaxation techniques, such as meditation, mindfulness, guided imagination, among others, are capable of improving the immune system to such an extent that inflammation, cellular immunity, and other aspects related to the aging of the system are reduced.

5. Supplement your diet and make it better!

While having a good diet will do wonders for your immune system, it is sometimes necessary to add supplements based on nutrients that have been linked to improved immunity, such as vitamins C and D, and zinc, which are able to increase defenses against viruses and bacteria, improve oxidative stress status, promote the proper functioning of antibodies, among many other beneficial things.

6. Take care of your gut if you want to improve your immune system.

And last but not least, taking care of our gut, but more specifically of the microbiota found in it, or all those microorganisms that live inside us and that can take care of us if we let them, is essential if we want to improve our immunity. Various investigations have pointed out the important role that the intestinal microbiota has in promoting the improvement of our defenses by securing the intestinal mucosa, functioning as a barrier against multiple pathogens, and by promoting anti-inflammatory states and mechanisms that favor the correct innate and adaptive immune response.

The improvement of this microbiota can be done through the consumption of whole grains, legumes, and fermented foods, as well as the inclusion of a probiotic supplement with great clinical efficacy.



Scientific references.

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