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April 18, 2022 4 min read

Signs that your immune system is weak and how to fix it in simple steps.

It is well known that having good immunity is very important and beneficial for our overall health, but how can we know if this system is failing? Is there a sign that tells us when something is wrong?

Well, the answer is that there are many ways to know. We will present some of them here; in addition to giving you some easy-to-follow recommendations to recover your immunity.

1. Yousuffer from repeated infections.

One of the first signs that let us know how weak our immune system may be issuffering from repeated infections, especially colds, which take weeks to disappear and greatly affect our quality of life. This is due to the fact that, being the immune system the defense agent for excellence in these pathological processes, when it is weakened, its function will not be the most optimal, giving way to a series of symptoms that can range from mild discomfort to more severe signs of disease.

2. You feel tired all day long.

This immune imbalance may also be accompanied by a feeling of tiredness that does not improve, making us feel exhausted as early as in the morning or a few minutes after having made an effort. This tiredness can also be confused with apathy or reluctance to do things. In addition, mental stress management can be affected, making it easy to feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day.

3. Some gastrointestinal disturbances appear.

Disturbances pertaining to the gastrointestinal tract, such as bloating,meteorism, diarrhea, and constipation, are more frequent due to the important correlation that this has with the immune system. Some people may be more prone to suffer from these symptoms, since, psychologically, it is also believed that each person has organs and systems that are more prone to be affected by stress, a factor closely related to immunity.

4. Other symptoms related to weak immunity.

While the list of signals that would indicate the presence of immune system failure can be quite long, the following are some of the most important signs and symptoms that could appear:

Frequent allergic reactions.
Injuries that take longer to heal.
Joint pain.
Dryness of the skin.
Hair loss.
Concentration problems.
Premature aging.
Uncontrolled appetite.

Recommendations to recoveryour immune system.

As we already know how important it is to have an immune system according to the needs and demands of our organism, the next step is to give it the tools so that its functions behave as optimally as possible. Byfollowingthese nextsimple but fundamental recommendations, you could strengthen your immunity:

Take care of your diet by eating less refined grains and sugars, red meats high in saturated fat, and ultra-processed products, and eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, plant-based protein, and healthy fats.
Consume nutritional supplements like probiotics, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to give this system an extra boost.
Exercise regularlyto enhance immunity by promoting the production of antibodies against external pathogens, as well as modulating various anti-inflammatory mechanisms.
Manage mental stressthrough relaxation techniques, such as meditation, mindfulness,and guidedimagery. In addition, consulting a psychologist or psychiatrist would also be very helpful.
Take good care of your sleep by promoting acorrect sleep hygiene, such as keeping a schedule for going to bed and waking up, not having copious meals at night,andcreating a comfortable and pleasant environment for sleeping.
Keep in mind yourgut health by practicing a lifestyle that includes mainly nutrients that benefit the gut microbiota.


Scientifica references.

(Barrea et al., 2021;Besedovsky et al., 2012;Boulangé et al., 2016; Campbell & Turner, 2018; Christ et al., 2019; Gill & Prasad, 2008;Gruzelier, 2002; Lee & Dixit, 2020;Vitlic et al., 2014)

Barrea, L., Muscogiuri, G., Frias-Toral, E., Laudisio, D., Pugliese, G., Castellucci, B., Garcia-Velasquez, E., Savastano, S., & Colao, A. (2021).Nutrition and immune system:From the Mediterranean diet to dietary supplementary through the microbiota.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition,61(18), 3066–3090.

Besedovsky, L., Lange, T., & Born, J. (2012). Sleep and immune function.PflugersArchiv,463(1), 121–137.

Boulangé, C. L.,Neves, A. L.,Chilloux, J., Nicholson, J. K., & Dumas, M.-E. (2016). Impact of the gut microbiota on inflammation, obesity, and metabolic disease.Genome Medicine,8, 42.

Campbell, J. P., & Turner, J. E. (2018).Debunking the Myth of Exercise-Induced Immune Suppression: Redefining the Impact of Exercise on Immunological Health Across the Lifespan.Frontiers in Immunology,9, 648.

Christ, A.,Lauterbach, M., &Latz, E. (2019). Western Diet and the Immune System: An Inflammatory Connection.Immunity,51(5), 794–811.

Gill, H., & Prasad, J. (2008). Probiotics, immunomodulation, and health benefits.Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology,606, 423–454.

Gruzelier, J. H. (2002). A review of the impact of hypnosis, relaxation, guided imagery and individual differences on aspects of immunity and health.Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands),5(2), 147–163.

Lee, A. H., & Dixit, V. D. (2020). Dietary Regulation of Immunity.Immunity,53(3), 510–523.

Vitlic, A., Lord, J. M., & Phillips, A. C. (2014). Stress, ageing and their influence on functional, cellular and molecular aspects of the immune system.Age,36(3), 9631.

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