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​​How to prepare your gut health for the fall season?


As the fall season approaches, many of us start to feel a little under the weather. Weather changes and cooler temperatures can lead to more bugs and infections in our bodies, but there are also some things you can do on a daily basis that will help protect your gut health this fall season.

Incroyable fiber.

Fiber is important for healthy digestion. It helps you feel full, so you're less likely to overeat or snack on unhealthy foods. Fiber can also help with weight management by keeping your digestive system running smoothly and preventing constipation.

In addition to these benefits, a high-fiber diet can reduce the risk of diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels. In fact, researchers found that an increase in fiber intake from whole grains led to a 4% reduction in type 2 diabetes risk per 10 grams consumed daily.

Fiber also lowers cholesterol levels by binding with bile acids and removing them from the body before they're absorbed into your bloodstream. This reduces inflammation throughout your entire body as well as reduces triglycerides--a type of fat found in fat cells--which could lead to heart disease if left untreated!

Choose the fiber that's right for you.

You're probably familiar with fiber, which can be found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. But did you know there are two types of fiber? One is soluble (it absorbs water) and the other is insoluble (it does not absorb water).

  • Soluble: When soluble fiber mixes with liquid in your stomach and intestines, it forms a gel that slows digestion. This helps control blood sugar levels--which means fewer hunger pangs--and reduces cholesterol levels by keeping bile acids from reabsorbing into the bloodstream instead of being eliminated as waste byproducts. Soluble also improves bowel regularity by helping food move through faster so that you feel less bloated after meals.* Insoluble: Insoluble doesn't dissolve into liquids like other types do; instead it acts as a scrubber for your digestive tract by scraping off any excess mucus or toxic buildup on its walls before it passes through.*

Boost your immune system.

Boost your immune system.

  • Eat foods high in vitamins A, C, and E. Vitamin A helps keep the skin and mucous membranes healthy. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports a strong immune system, while vitamin E contributes to good blood circulation (which helps your body get rid of toxins).
  • Eat foods high in zinc: This mineral helps maintain a healthy mucous membrane lining the digestive tract so pathogens can't penetrate it as easily. You can find zinc in oysters; beef liver; pumpkin seeds; cashews; chicken breast meat with skin; sunflower seeds; shrimp (with shell); brown rice noodles--just make sure they're not made from refined flour! If you're vegan or vegetarian, look for grains like quinoa (a pseudocereal) which are naturally higher than average on the Zinc Rich Foods List provided by NutritionData.*
  • Eat foods rich in selenium: This trace mineral supports thyroid function as well as cell growth throughout your body--both important components of keeping your immune system strong enough to fight off invaders before they reach their destination inside your body.* Consume omega-3 fatty acids regularly: These fats have been shown time and time again to reduce inflammation throughout our bodies. * Make sure you're getting plenty of B vitamins every day -- especially folic acid because it helps prevent birth defects like neural tube defects when taken during pregnancy!

Look at your gut microbiome.

The gut microbiome is a complex community of bacteria that live in your gut. It plays a role in digestion, immunity, and metabolism - the process by which your body turns food into energy.

The microbiome can be affected by diet, exercise, stress, and medications (such as antibiotics). There are a number of tests available to help you understand more about what's going on inside your digestive system.

Address stress and anxiety.

Stress and anxiety are normal parts of life, but they can also exacerbate gut health issues. If you're feeling stressed or anxious, it's important to take steps toward managing those feelings. Here are some ways you can do that:

  • Identify your stressors--the things that cause the most tension in your life. Does it work? Relationships with friends and family? A traumatic event from the past? Once you identify what's causing these feelings, try to figure out if there's anything concrete that could be done about them. If so, make an effort to address those areas directly (for example by asking for help from someone else). If not, try practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation or yoga until the situation improves on its own or finding other ways of distracting yourself when things get rough at work/home/school, etc.* Practice deep breathing exercises throughout the day while focusing on calming thoughts such as "everything will be okay" and "I am strong enough to handle this situation."

Consider probiotics, prebiotics, and enzymes.

Probiotics are live bacteria that can help you maintain a healthy gut. They're found in foods like yogurt, kefir, and kombucha and also come in supplement form. Prebiotics are food for probiotics--they're not digested by your body but act as fuel for your beneficial bacteria to grow and thrive in your system. Enzymes are proteins that help break down food in your gut, so it's important to eat plenty of vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) when fall rolls around so that you have enough enzymes available to do their job!

Manage inflammation to protect your gut health this fall season.

Inflammation is a normal response to injury or infection, but it can be beneficial in the short term. However, if inflammation is not controlled, it can cause pain and discomfort, and lead to more serious health problems.

If you experience symptoms of inflammation such as joint pain or swelling (especially in your fingers), fatigue that doesn't get better with rest or exercise, headaches or migraines that aren't caused by sinus issues or allergies--and especially if they're accompanied by fevers--you should talk with your doctor about getting tested for rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

You can improve your gut health by making some changes to what you eat, what supplements you take, and how you manage stress and anxiety in your life

You can improve your gut health by making some changes to what you eat, what supplements you take, and how you manage stress and anxiety in your life.

  • Eat a diet rich in prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics are fibers that feed the good bacteria in our guts, while probiotics are the actual live cultures of beneficial microorganisms (like lactobacillus or bifidobacterium). Make sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables along with fermented foods like yogurt or sauerkraut at every meal, as well as kefir (a fermented milk drink) if dairy isn't problematic for you--these foods are all rich sources of these types of nutrients!
  • Take a high-quality multivitamin/mineral supplement each day containing vitamins A, B complex (especially B12), C & D as well as zinc because all these nutrients play an important role in supporting healthy immune function which helps keep inflammation down so it doesn't lead back into leaky gut syndrome again later on down south inside our intestines where most people don't even realize there's anything wrong until something goes wrong!"


We hope this article has helped you understand how to take care of your gut health this fall season. As we mentioned above, there are plenty of ways to improve your digestive system, but they all come down to making some small changes to what you eat and how much stress you have in your life. By following our tips above and keeping an eye on these things as they change over time (like during the seasons),ns), then it should be easy for anyone to keep their tummy feeling good!

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